European Union: La casistica giuridica europea completa per tutto l’anno 2020 suddivisa per Paesi di appartenenza all’Unione (Fonte EASO Asylum Case Law 2020 – Edizione Maggio 2021)
Le sentenze riportate sono state pubblicate dalla Corte Europea dei diritti umani, dalla Corte di Giustizia Europea e dal UN Committee on the rights of the child.
1. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], FMS and Others v Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság Dél-alföldi Regionális Igazgatóság and Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság, C-924/19, ECLI:EU:C:2020:367, 14 May 2020
2. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], Ministerio Fiscal [Spain] v V.L., C-36/20 PPU, ECLI:EU:C:2020:331, 25 June 2020.
3. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], Milkiyas Addis (Eritrea) v Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Federal Republic of Germany], C-517/17, ECLI:EU:C:2020:579, 16 July 2020.
4. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], EZ v Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Federal Republic of Germany), 19 November 2020.
5. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], B. v Centre public d’action sociale de Liège, 30 September 2020.
6. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], LM v Centre public d’action sociale de Seraing, 30 September 2020.
7. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], WM (Tunisia) v Stadt Frankfurt am Main [Germany], C18/19, ECLI:EU:C:2020:511, 02 July 2020.
8. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], LH v Bevándorlási és Menekültügyi Hivatal [Hungary], C-564/18, ECLI:EU:C:2020:218, 19 March 2020.
9. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], JP v Commissaire général aux réfugiés et aux apatrides, 09 Septembre 2020.
10. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], PG v Bevándorlási és Menekültügyi Hivatal [Hungary], Case C-406/18, ECLI:EU:C:2020:216, 19 March 2020.
11. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], B. M. M. and Others v Belgium, Joined Cases C-133/19, C136/19, C-137/19, ECLI:EU:C:2020:577, 16 July 2020.
12. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], I.N., Case C-897/19 PPU, ECLI:EU:C:2020:262, 02 April 2020.
13. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], JZ, C-806/18, 17/09/2020.
14. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], European Commission v Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, Joined Cases C-715/17, C-718/17 and C-719/17, ECLI:EU:C:2020:257, 02 April 2020.
15. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], European Commission v Hungary, C-78/18, ECLI:EU:C:2020:476, 18 June 2020.
16. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], PG v Bevándorlási és Menekültügyi Hivatal [Hungary], 19 March 2020, ECLI:EU:C:2020:216.
17. European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU], MO v Subdelegación del Gobierno en Toledo, 08 October 2020.
18. European Union: Court of Justice of the EU, M.S., M.W., G.S. v Minister for Justice and Equality [Ireland], C-616/19, 10 December 2020.